The 5th session of the Steering Committee of the NB-ITTAS Project was held on December 19-20, 2024, at the Ramada Plaza Hotel in Tunis. The event brought together representatives of the member states of the Niger Basin Authority (NBA) and technical partners for two days of fruitful discussions. This session marked a decisive step toward the launch of the second phase of the NB-ITTAS Project, which officially concluded on December 4, 2024.

The Steering Committee aimed to review the achievements of 2024 and validate the Annual Work Plan and Budget (AWPB) for 2025. Discussions allowed participants to evaluate progress made, identify persistent challenges, and establish clear priorities to ensure the sustainability of the project’s results.

Positive results despite challenges
Presented by Mr. Allomasso Tchokponhoué, Regional Coordinator of the NB-ITTAS Project, the technical and financial report as of November 30, 2024, highlighted significant progress, particularly in the implementation of activities across various components.
Out of the five recommendations from the previous session, three were fully implemented, while efforts are still required for the remaining actions.
The discussions also covered strategic topics, including resource mobilization for the second phase, communicating results to stakeholders, and optimizing ongoing pilot projects.

Toward a second phase for NB-ITTAS
Recognizing the positive impact of the project on populations and ecosystems, participants formulated a special recommendation calling for the implementation of a second phase. This next step will consolidate achievements and intensify actions for the integrated and sustainable management of water resources.
A collective commitment to the future
During the closing ceremony, Mr. Didier Sèyivè ZINSOU, Acting Executive Secretary of the NBA, and Mr. Nabil BEN KHATRA, Executive Secretary of the OSS, commended the joint efforts of the member states and project partners. They reaffirmed their commitment to pursuing initiatives aimed at improving water resource governance in the Niger Basin and associated aquifer systems.

A Project of hope
Funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the NB-ITTAS Project not only contributes to better water resource management but also strengthens the resilience of local communities in the face of climate challenges. The continuation of these efforts reflects a shared vision of a sustainable and inclusive future for the populations of the Niger Basin.