Component 1: Promoting conjunctive management of ground and surface waters

Outcome 1.1: IWRM supported by a sound understanding of ground water resources and their linkages with surface water systems

All outputs leading to Outcome 1.1 will be delivered by UNEP. 

Component 1 is aimed at promoting the conjunctive management of the ground and surface water resources of the Niger River Basin. The integration of conjunctive management into IWRM processes has to be based on a sound understanding of ground water resources and their linkages with surface water systems within the study area. Work under Component 1 will therefore focus on closing gaps in scientific knowledge, transboundary diagnostics and strategic planning to ensure that the conjunctive management of ground and surface water resources can be properly integrated into IWRM to reduce pressures on certain water systems while simultaneously and primarily ensuring sufficient and easily accessible water supply for the well-being of the people within the ITTAS and Niger River basin.

Output 1.1.1: Hydrogeological functioning of/and linkages between the Iullemeden, Taoudéni-Tanezrouft Aquifers (ITTAS), other aquifers systems and the surface waters of Niger River Basin

Output 1.1.2: Technically Cleared TDA and SAP for the ITTAS

Output 1.1.3: Strengthened Capacity of National and Regional Water Managers

Component 2: Sharing responsibilities and benefits with local communities, civil society in conserving basin resources, including groundwater.

Component 2 should be seen as the core component of the project. It is the component in which the proposals for sustainable water resources management as derived for example from the NBA SAP and SDAP will be implemented on the ground. Most importantly, the foci of the different interventions reflect some of the priorities of the NBA’s Strategic Plan in view of conjunctive management of ground and surface water resources. The purpose of this component is to implement a wide range of community-based projects aimed at addressing many of the key issues and challenges as originally identified in the Niger River TDA/SAP/SDAP as well as those anticipated to be identified in the ITTAS TDA/SAP under Component 1.

Outcome 2.1: Niger Basin Users Associations and National NGOs engaged in basin resources management and conservation for better control of flood/drought/pollution, reduction of pressure on land, forest and biodiversity while improving living conditions of households

There are a total of six outputs aimed at leading this Outcome. Outputs 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.1.5 and 2.1.6 will be delivered by UNDP-NBA, while Output 2.1.4 will be delivered by UNEP. 

Output 2.1.1: Protection of Aquatic Habitat and Biodiversity of Threatened Wetlands

Output 2.1.2: Restoration and Improved Management of Protected Areas

Output 2.1.3: Restoration and Sustainable Management of Mountain Forest Ecosystems

Output 2.1.4: Demonstration of Best Practices in Groundwater Management and Integrated planning of Surface and Groundwater Resources

Output 2.1.5: Provision of Training to Basin Water User Associations

Output 2.1.6: Strategy for linking up and integrating community-based interventions (Outputs 2.1.1 to 2.1.4) so that livelihood-based ecosystem management becomes the basis for the sustainable management of water resources basin-wide

Component 3: Strengthening industries’ environmental/social responsibility capacities.

Outcome 3.1: Systematic and integrated approach of industrial competitiveness and environmental/social responsibility through Environmentally Sound Technology (TEST) to reduce wastewater discharges and pollution loads in the Niger River introduced and demonstrated

Output 3.1.1: Niger Basin Authority’s Waterbody data/inventorying processes updated; pollution control and regulatory framework improved. (Including the identification of causes and sources of pollution)

Output 3.1.2: Pollution hot-spots identified and customized to suit current needs; basin-wide assessment and selection processes of pilot enterprises improved and mainstreamed

Output 3.1.3: Transfer of Environmentally Sound Technology (TEST) approach at the enterprise level efficiently introduced

Output 3.1.4: TEST programme results and experiences disseminated


Outcome 3.2: Industrial Competitiveness and Environmental/Social Responsibility for reduced wastewater discharges reinforced by legal and policy frameworks

Output 3.2.1: Development of Proposals for Policy Mainstreaming to address Pollution Reduction in Partnership with the Private Sector

Output 3.2.2: Implementation of Harmonised Policies and Laws to address Pollution Reduction


Component 4: Capacity building and stakeholders involvement in Niger River ecosystem based management.

Outcome 4.1: National Policies and Institutions, Civil Society Platforms support Niger River Ecosystem based management

There are a total of seven outputs aimed at leading this Outcome. Outputs 4.1.1, 4.1.2, 4.1.3, and 4.1.6 will be delivered by OSS (under UNEP) with significant inputs and close consultation with NBA.  Outputs 4.1.4, and 4.1.5 will be delivered by UNDP with significant inputs from UNEP-OSS activities. Output 4.1.7 will be delivered by both GEF Agencies.  

Output 4.1.1: Assessment of current national and regional actors in ground and surface water management and Analysis of options for integrating surface and groundwater governance mechanisms

Output 4.1.2: Selection and Implementation of agreed Options for Integrated Governance to strengthen Conjunctive Management

Output 4.1.3: Policy actions recommended at regional and national levels to further integrate conjunctive management of transboundary ground and surface waters into the SDAP, National plans and strategies,  leading to mainstreaming and implementation of policy reforms

Output 4.1.4: Formalisation of National level Support to Implementation of the Investments Plan and Development and Implementation of Dedicated Monitoring and Evaluation Tools

Output 4.1.5: National institutions contributing to the management of transboundary terrestrial ecosystems and wetlands provided with platforms for cooperative actions and capacity building to address current emerging challenges and promote collaborative monitoring mechanisms

Output 4.1.6: Capacities of academic and research institutions strengthened with tools and training to provide relevant knowledge and information guiding the management of basin resources

Output 4.1.7: Transboundary Learning mechanisms established at community and Inter States levels; and experiences shared through website, IWLEARN, technical papers, video, technical forums, GEF IW Biennial Conference, WWF, AMCOW and other relevant forums




March 2025
